Too many network marketers are struggling. This is the bottom line to the main stream network marketer. The biggest issue is usually lack of conversions, lack of traffic, and small affiliate fees.
The things I look for in a network marketing program are the following attributes:
1) Transparency,
2) Ease of use,
3) Affiliate payments,
4) And what is the web ranking?
Let’s look at each of each attributes briefly. Transparency involves what you are promoting, how long it takes me to figure out what you are promoting, how easy can I figure out what you are charging me to enter the platform, and is the product reasonable. How easy is it to cancel my membership, if I am not happy?
Ease of use involves the actual operation of the platform once I have joined. How hard and time consuming is my operation of the platform from the back office? Does the platform have well-grounded and ongoing training? Can I spend my time promoting the product, or do I have to spend all day operating the back office?
Affiliate payments are a big question to be answered. If you want me to promote your product, and your product pays me 5%, I am going to spend a lot of time and energy to increase the sales volume, whereas if your product pays 50% commissions or more, this then becomes a more worthwhile effort.
Finally, if your product is what you say it is, you will have a reasonable page rank which tells me that a lot of people are interested in your product.
Well, I have tried to poke every hole in the attributes listed above with the Empowerment Network. I played Devil’s advocate so to speak. I did not win on this approach.
The basic membership is $25 per month, for a return of 100% commission. Your first sign up, or 1 sign up per month pays for your membership fee. The platform comes with an easy to use dashboard, preset up viral blogging tools, member management console, pays commissions immediately, the whole 9 yards. The biggest indicator that this is a totally sweeping high website ranking platform. The network has gone from 1,000 page views per day in September 2011 to 3.9 million page views per day in February 2012.