Let’s delve a little into multiple streams of income. During December 2011, I decided to jump into multiple streams of income. All with one goal only - try programs that do not cost one cent to start or no more than $10.00 anyway. After all, if you are making all that money, as you claim you are, why should I pay much to replicate your system? Right? It either works or it doesn’t.
By far, the quickest success was what is known as ZNZ (Zip Nada Zilch). There are two programs here, both intertwined as ZNZ One and ZNZ Big Cash. According to website informer, ZNZ has hit in the top 5,000 websites with a current Alexa rank of 13,111 and 59,433 daily visitors with over 429,000 page views daily.
The concept is great, free, and easy. ZNZ has vendors (some fortune 500) that subscribe to their website. To become a ZNZ affiliate, all you do is go to the website, sign up for free trial offers (cancel with no cost if needed), and when you get 1.00 credit, you can register to become an affiliate.
If you want to try this go to my url, and if you sign up, you will receive a free marketing dashboard, which automatically notifies you of a new sign up, as well as has a free auto responder, which automatically sends emails to your new sign ups. ZNZ will automatically pay you $20 to $80 per sign up directly to your Pay Pal account or to you by check. I really like the program, because it is simple, easy, and not time consuming. My first two days after signing up to both ZNZ One and ZNZ Big Cash, and becoming an affiliate, I made $300.
Go to my url and it will fully explain the concept:
The next avenue I decided on was ClickBank affiliate. To become an affiliate, as in ZNZ, it is free. With ClickBank, this opportunity is great if you already have your own website as I do. ClickBank Vendor payouts can be very high, even up over $75, and/or reoccurring monthly commissions. As with ZNZ, Click Bank has its own affiliate dashboard which automatically tracks income due to you. Clickbank’s Alexa ranking is number 244 with over 2 million visitors per day. Over 10.6 million page loads per day. Wow!
If you are interested in Clickbank, here is the url:
The final stream of income I am working on is a newer concept. I took three days to read and keeping re-reading the intro pages to the concept. The only reason I tried it, was due to the 7 day trial period of $4.95. The more I have thought on the concept, the potential is unrestricted. The concept is a traffic broker. Well, what is a traffic broker? The overall concept is similar to Clickbank, but one huge difference, you do not need a website to promote the product.
The final concept is basically the same as pay per click advertising (PPC), except you are the Vendor of the ad. Not some huge company. So the dashboard comes pre-loaded with many websites that want you to promote their product (as well as pre made text and banner ads – all routed through your vendor ID). Payouts can be over $102.00 conversion and/or reoccurring commissions.
So you ask, if I do not have a website, how I post an ad. Well this is the traffic broker concept. The website has a “lead generator” based on the product you want to promote. The lead generator produces 100 relevant to your ad website leads at a time. You can generate as many as you want. So, you as the broker, visit each website, and contact the owner or administrator.
If the administrator agrees to accept your ad, the owner of the website places your text or banner you chose to promote (pre-made for you) on his/her website, and the owner now gets paid a huge commission for advertising usually about 2/3 of the advertisers agreed rate, and you, as the broker get 1/3. The biggest advantage to the website owner you approach is that instead of getting a few cents pay per click, the administrator can get as much as 2/3 of $102.00 (you get 1/3), or more.
Now, if you study on this concept, and let’s say you land a contract with a website that gets 150,000 visitors per day, then it doesn’t take very many of those type websites to generate a huge income monthly. Every time, someone clicks on the ad, and converts, you get paid.
Granted, this is the most time consuming concept, but due to automation at the broker website, you are mostly spending time emailing website owners to solicit their website to post your ad. The payout potential here is huge. The passive income again, can be huge.
I encourage you to go this url and read the intro, study the intro, and then reread it again. I do not believe this concept has fully caught on yet, but in the end, it would akin to some huge companies getting a little smaller, and us small guys getting huge!
You can go this url: http://jdcookeiii.tbrokers.hop.clickbank.net
Yes, the traffic brokers concept is affiliated with ClickBank!
So, in end, as the saying goes don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Multiple streams of income are the success to the internet entrepreneur. I have just presented three concepts I have tried that works, all for less than $10.00.
You can go to my website home page and see examples of both clickbank banner ads, traffic brokers ads, and the other huge companies ads. Can you tell which one is which?