Friday, September 2, 2011

Make Money From Home Online and Advertising

The title of your home page

Make Money From Home Online and Advertising

Well, I suppose I am at phase 2 of understanding the Internet. I suppose. I recently signed up for Google pay per click advertising. I am actually liking it, although perhaps a little expensive, that decision is still out. It is nice to increase your bid, to have your search term appear above Sears, Target, whomever.

So my endeavors started by researching, multiple companies, multiple drop ship companies, that is to be exact. I did not want to buy or rent a warehouse, to store everything under the sun.

My best estimate was to pick  a drop shipper that with my mark up was still better than the best price on E-Bay, the world recognized retailer.

After months of research, I was satisfied I found one and subscribed. Based on my research, the best bet is still to pray you did not pick the wrong one or get scammed. In my opinion, if one-half these schemers spent 1/4 the time working, they would make more money.

So me, being Internet stupid, not savvy, went to work. I am still updating my findings on this blog. I found out it is not as easy as it looks, however, I am determined to find the right combination of factors.

Ideally, I want you to log onto my retail store, find the product, and have it sent to you via shipping cheaper than you can spend the gas to go buy it and get it. Yes, it will take 3-5 days, but your gas tank will not be empty.

So in my opinion, I think the google advertising, being the number 1 search engine, is probably worth the investment.

What I would like to do is help people avoid the disastrous - what I call idiot maneuvers, like I did. See my first blog for my major admitted embarrassment.

I am like you, not knowing what I am doing, finding my way, But I will not go broke due to schemers.

Schemer - lets get a real good definition. I.E., I had an automobile for sale in January. I listed it several places including Craig's List locally. Well, low and behold, I get an email offering to buy the vehicle at the requested price. Of course, I said sure.

Well, the next email explains, it has to be a Pay Pal transaction (I have a Pay Pal account), and all I have to do is Pay Pal wire the funds for his guy to come pick it up. He wanted $1,000 to have his guy come pick it up, and the guy would bring my certified check to buy the vehicle. MMM. oh well, MMM. He had all kind of Pay Pal verification symbols on his emails.

Well, my Banana boat is slow, but when it comes to $1k, gets a speed boat infusion. So I decided to mess with him, on and on.

So, long story short, in the end I got enough emails from him, his address, his IP,  to report him to the Federal Internet Crimes Commission (ICC) and Pay Pal.

I want every body to make money legally on the net, I do believe that my website is good, granted it takes a lot of digging, but I think the prices are good.

If any of you log into the website, email me directly, and I will help you sift the wheat from the tares.

If you like the website and want to do the same, on the home page, click on either box about selling (blue boxes) at the top of the page.

Advertising, do the Google Adwords and Adsense. If you need help understanding this email me.

Good Luck,

Airline Transport Pilot Licensed, Internet Entrepreneur